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Next week, SNY will launch a unique “Watch and Win” contest featuring the former Mets captain and current Emmy Award-winning analyst’s scorecard. The “Watch and Win” contest will take place during an inning of a Mets game on SNY that Keith is in the booth, and feature a trivia question related to Keith. After the trivia question is revealed on-air, fans can then send their answer via twitter to @SNYtv and the hash tag #ScorewithKeith.
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As Wisse’s book states, by 1975 an estimated three quarters of US comedy professionals were Jewish. The author ascribes this American enthusiasm for Jewish humour in part to the creation of Israel. “The perception of Jews as a people taking hold of their future appealed to Americans,” she writes, “who valued a similar capacity for pulling themselves up by their bootstraps”. As someone who is unsympathetic to many of the current actions of the state of Israel, Wisse’s assertion made me uneasy, though I had to admit on reflection that there is perhaps some truth in it.
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PPS.  Some people claim that NGDP targeting is a bad idea because the public doesn’t understand NGDP, but they do understand inflation.  OK, the Fed should tell the public they plan to target the “real price level.”  To the public that phrase will sound like the “actual price level,” not the phony numbers that the BLS puts out, which (according to Peter Schiff) make inflation look lower than it really is.  The Fed’s reputation will rise.  The public will think; “Aha, I knew all along inflation was more than 2%.”  The “real price level” is also a dog whistle to economists that the variable being targeting is real output times the price level.
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Neither take tells the whole truth, although the Obama administration is probably the more disingenuous of the two: “as a matter of law,” writes Treasury’s Anthony Coley, “Dodd-Frank ended the notion that any firm is ‘too big to fail.’” Er, no, it didn’t. Lots of us still have the notion that there are dozens of firms which are too big to fail — and other entities, too, like the state of California. It might be less likely, now, that any given firm will fail. What’s more, if and when a big firm does fail, there’s now a semblance of a procedure to follow, which — if everything goes according to plan — might even involve zero federal dollars. But still, too big to fail is too big to fail, and ultimately, if push comes to shove, the implicit government backstop is still there.
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